Friday, December 29, 2006

Crone Wisdom

A new piece I created celebrating the wise woman and healer. It's time she became recognized and appreciated, as she had been long ago. This modern day America appears to have forgotten just how truly beautiful natural aging -with grace can be.
Sculpted leather, clay, mixed media mounted on a solid block of wood with the words carved into the wood.
Click image to enlarge.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas 2006

pretty little Alyson,

It was so wonderful to meet you with your big happy, welcoming smile. It lit up the entire room, as your mommy's smile did when she was your age, and your sister, Talina's glowing sunshine, that made everything right with the world.
I hope we can get to see each other more often now. I would like this very much indeed.
Thank you for sharing your fun toys with Mark and I, without even being asked. This shows a sign of great character and generosity. The way you hugged your new jacket like it was a beloved teddy bear, tugged at my heart. May it keep you warm and cozy throughout these long winter months.
You are a precious fairy angel made of rainbows, soft golden moonbeams and a fresh morning in the forest after a spring rain.
Mark and I wish you and your family a joyful, enchanted Christmas.
Be good to your mother. She is absolutely amazing in so many ways. Your daddy works hard and would literally die for you. Your sister Talina is one of my most favorite people in the world. Her and I practically grew up together, enjoying weekly adventures ice skating, shopping, movies, hiking, Oaks Park, fairy hunting, junk food, pajama parties, laughing our heads off making up obnoxious names/stories. Fortune telling, going to the coast, singing, playing with Barbie's, the doll house and reading her favorite mermaid book, among other things.
Hopefully you and I can have just as much fun in the future.
Also your aunt, Tegan. Equally one of my most favorite people.
You have a fabulous, precious family, so know that you are deeply, deeply loved.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Just for the Record...

Mark and I attended my old friend, Shastra's Xmas party last evening. It was such a warm, welcoming, loving, festive environment, filled with interesting conversations involving meaningful subjects. Quite a contrast to a few previous gatherings we had been at earlier this month.
It's come to my attention (once again), and I don't understand why it's always such a big surprise... that I'm being negatively judged by certain individuals in regards to my spiritual beliefs.
Up until recently I've learned to become extremely selective about whom I share these personal values with. And why, I wonder, has it previously been such a radical notion that harmony, healing, respect for nature, the planet, people who are not of our culture... a belief in a loving, forgiving higher power that experiences life through, around and within each and every one of us... Why are these loving, well intended values considered naive, immoral or evil? and why are people who believe in these beautiful ideals labeled and persecuted?
I don't worship the devil or demons.
My creed is "Harm No One" and a belief that what we send out, is returned to us three fold.
I'm definitely not gullible, I'm painfully "awake" and aware that we create our own reality, and I'm also very well acquainted and integrated with my shadow (as is expressed in some of my art). This is the part of me that speaks out for, protects and warns me of impending danger. But it's only a defense mechanism (that sometimes gets me into trouble), and Not who I am.
I find it rather interesting that these people who judge me the most harshly, are the ones who have never actually engaged in any conversation with me.

For the most part I just let this stuff go, understanding that these people are morons, and it's not really about Me, considering they don't even know me. It's their problem, not mine. But occasionally -and especially after several emotionally charged experiences (challenges) over the last couple of months, it's escalated to an ultra sensitive climax... where I finally feel a need to have my voice.
So mote it be.

Friday, December 08, 2006

One glitch after another

I've been attempting to get my new web site open for business over the last couple of days, it was working great (finally), but then Mark decided to activate the link for the guest book, and for some mysterious reason this threw the entire program into yet Another oblivious cyber tantrum. Now it refuses to publish any of my changes. Rather frustrating.
Oh well........ I can still work off site, and when we get the glitches out, it will be all ready for the "Grand Opening!"
Yes, yes, yes.