Monday, April 30, 2007

April Diary

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Mark officiated at a traditional wedding at Edgefield Lodge on Easter Sunday. Everybody loved him. We drank too much wine and danced all night. Attended Wilda's -King George's mother's birthday party the next Sunday, April 14. Over to the SOSW afterwards for a visit. Busy, busy, busy. Friday the 20th, out on the motorcycle, until Mark was summoned by King George for a business meeting. Tegan, Jan, Ali and I went garage sailing last Sat. April 28th. Back to King George's yesterday for a sacred ceremony involving the resurrection of the Knight's Templar. The first in 700 years! A truly powerful experience. There were several Knightings for the order of the Black Tower castle in Germany. Huge events appear to be unfolding in the near future. I'm just playing catch-up here with my blog. Tegan finally got to meet the King of Hungary. What an outrageous character! I absolutely adore him. His wife is a rather elegant and graceful lady who helps create the balance... here is his web site:

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