Friday, August 11, 2006

The Handfast Angel

I caught a few minutes of Sylvia Brown today on Montel Williams. This woman had shown her a photo of herself taken right after her mother's funeral service that looked almost identical to this one (except for the subject matter). Sylvia informed her that this was her angel watching over her. Check out the rainbow colored wings wrapped around us. This specific one of us was taken just before Sandra pronounced us husband and wife. The next shot was much sharper. I didn't enhance this photo at all. It's one of our originals. I'd wondered about it at first, but then figured it was just the sun, though felt connected enough to leave it in the slideshow.
Rather significant I thought.
We're going to Seaside for the weekend to rest up. Has been so chaotic around here for the last few months or so. Should be nice weather.

Click on image to enlarge


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